Having your own responsive website is a must in todays automotive world. With our hosting service and servers you simply purchase your domain and we will host the site. The dealer websites are designed for search engine optimization and the utmost speed. We are determined to supply your software needs of yesterday and tommorow through innovation and growth with technology.
View The Responsive Dealer Sites
Data integrity is what it is all about. We can train you in proper back up procedures and if using the desktop software ensure that managing partner have data working at home. The online cloud version is a sql server with utmost security available. The server is backed up daily with a catostrophic image every 10 days. Data is the key to staying stable in software.
Simply set up program defaults with your default fees. We have a library of 20 years of forms so we probably have what you are seeking. Let us know any additional forms we can program for free and you are off and running.
With our cloud interface you can as well do a car sale if off site. You can also track your inventory and additional items. It completely manages your sales, advertising and more. We are customizing and adding to the cloud daily our dealers deserve the ability to grow into the future. Each area of our cloud is being discussed with dealers real time as we implement feature after feature.
Our desktop dealer softwar has served dealers for 20 years and will do so for another 20 years. Not all dealers want there data in the internet and we respect there desires. It is important for us that we develop and grow to the future that we have all arrived in From advertising and technology to the requirements of yesterday.